
female sex through hormone injections and surgical treatment. They are directed towards their own sex. Type: those who appeared at Strand's restaurant last year; 3) Homosexuals who play the female role in a homosexual relation; 4) Asexual TVs, sexually more or less neutral individuals, who however, feel themselves more as belonging in the feminine rather than masculine role.

The common denominator of these four groups is a desire to dress themselves in feminine clothes. In group number 1) this desire is the only real deviation. It is this group that is written about here. The organization "Phi Pi Epsilon Sorority" takes care only of the interests of the heterosexually directed TVs.

Boy Scout Alibi.

Bengt tells how it began: I think I was about 5 or 6 years old when I was impressed by the way the girls behaved, played and expressed their feelings. A little later I began being interested in the clothes of my mother. I became fascinated by the fabric, the soft and comfortable materials. From the age of puberty I often wore ladies' underwear which I had locked up in a cupboard. I was immensely afraid of being exposed and I could not confide in anybody. I often pondered over the strange desire that I felt it was, and I tried to get knowledge through books, but I could not get any real information. In order to conceal my desire for the feminine world, I participated eagerly in gymnastics and became one of the best at school and I also became a boy scout, mostly in order to have an alibi. The same wish for camouflage also was behind the fact that Bengt chose a very masculine sport in which he became very outstanding.


He has no memory that his deviation gave him real psychical suffering. "At the same time I knew that my sex desire was quite normal and directed towards the girls. But I was not only attracted by the girls. I identified with them and all that they represented. I disassociated myself from everything masculine.”

When Bengt was 23 years old he met the girl who was to become his wife. Some time later he threw out a feeler and carried the conversation into the subject of feminine clothes. Once he